Color Series – January is Marvelously Minty!

Welcome to 2012, dear friends!  
As we embrace a new year, I thought it would be fun to introduce a new color series, showcasing a new crave-worthy color each month.  I am always so easily taken by a singular color and, therefore, have decided to catalogue some of the fun photos I stumble across along the way.
From fashion to food, I’m amazed at how a color can reach out and grab you…inspiring a new purchase, a new palette combination (for a wedding or guest bath) or simply a new appreciation. 
What is your favorite color this month?
{image credits} 2012mint walls, ferris wheel, tape, cake, cascading gown, umbrella, bold dress unknown via pinterest, macarons
Oh yes!  And I would be remiss if I didn’t acknowledge the new, fancified Art of the Occasion!  After all, it’s only fair that my little blog as the opportunity to feel as pretty as the content shared.  Thank you to Shari of Little Blue Deer for your patience and expertise!